Sunday, August 29, 2010

Some thoughts on the weather

The Weather is not really casual conversation for farmers. Not only is our ability to make a living dependent on the weather, but each week's work is driven by the weather-when to plant, when to irrigate, when to harvest. I know we are going to pick cotton in October, but the starting date can swing two or three weeks depending on the weather. Sometimes it is hard to plan too far ahead.

Almond harvest affected by the beautiful Spring weather.
The first variety of almonds came up. That was a little disappointing. I talked to one neighbor last March. He estimated that yields were 40% off because of the rain and the wind during the bloom. Looks like he was about right. Hopefully the prices will come up since the supply will be low.

This week's spike in temperatures was a little nasty.
The weather has been fabulous the last few weeks, mid-90's. Perfect cotton growing weather. Cotton doesn't start growing until it is 65 and stops growing at 95. So this has been right on the last few weeks. [We'll see if the plants caught up from the cool Spring.].
That little burst back up to 110 was a reminder of what summer in the Valley can be like. Plants and people wilted a little bit in the heat. Me, personally? I have I have met my lifetime quota for sweat. If I can I his indoors on hot afternoons. Usually work in the office or go visit folks. This week I had some writing to do. Get my field work done in the morning and then look for shade.

Years ago a friend was leaving the area to go to law school in LA. He said he was going to miss the summer weather. I was thinking to myself, are you insane? The only people who like the summer weather here are the ones who work inside when it is baking outside. He explained he was going to miss the warm summer nights. OK, you got me on that one. It is nice to sit on the back lawn or patio in the evening. You can do it in LA and San Diego, but you gotta button up. Our summers may be too hot, but they have that crazy So Cal traffic all year long.

We are headed into my favorite weather of the year-Fall. Cool mornings and warm afternoons.

I hope y'all have a great week.


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