Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fall Colors

OK, it's not Maine, but we do have Fall colors here. These are vineyard leaves. My personal favorite are the peach orchards. Pretty soon things we be cold and gray for a few months. Right now the sun is bright and clear, the sky is bright blue in the afternoon. The rains this week have cleared the air. It has been cold, by our standards. We have had frost a few mornings this week. On the days where the winds have been strong those 50 degree temperatures feel pretty cold.

We got another field of wheat in today. We are almost done with the tractor work. Should finish next week if there are no big problems. After that we we will start irrigating the wheat and pruning the almonds. That should keep us busy until after the holidays.
Marketing next year's crops is a big question mark. Commodity prices are high. Should we sell, or will they go higher? We'll keep an eye on the markets. Right now the Ag commodity markets are as volatile as other markets. Our whole family's income rests not only on how well I can farm, but on global markets that I have no control over. Sure grain prices are going up. That is good for us as producers, of course the last time this happened a few years ago fertilizer prices quadrupled over two years. That took some of the fun out of the whole thing.

How was your ThaThanksgiving? Ours was fabulous. We had family over for dinner. Just as food was coming out of the oven and Heidi and Will were driving up Jonathan called from overseas. It was 'O Dark Hundred over there, but it was great to hear his voice.
And yes, the peach cobbler turned out great. Not as good a fresh, but still a nice taste of summer as winter approaches. I have enough peaches left for one more cobbler on Christmas Eve.
We also tried something new. I cooked some turkey breasts on the smoker. Mmmmmm, did that ever work out well. Sheryl made a full roast turkey and all the fixings. That leaves me some room to experiment. The smoked turkey breasts were yummy and easy to prepare. We will be doing that again.

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season. Tomorrow we are going to the Messiah sing-a-long. Lots of fun times in the next month. Kind of wish we could spread it over two months. It's not like there is a lot going on in January. Just a thought.

Hope y'all have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. I love this time of the year, fall is the best season for me :)hope the global markets get better.

