Saturday, January 25, 2014

Farmers and Coffee Shops

   Another week and still no rain. Even city people are getting worried. We do appreciate the concern.

   Meanwhile back on the farm. The oats have been planted. Now we will start watering them up, since there is no rainfall. Because of the drought it seems there might be a shortage of alfalfa hay for dairies. As water gets shifted to permanent crops there will be less water available for hay. Prices will go up for dairymen. Does that mean there will be less milk? Or, it will cost more? Stay tuned. We will all find out together.

   We will finish pre-irrigating the first cotton field soon. In the trees the brush has been shredded. We are watering the almonds. This is a month earlier than normal. The ground is dry and we need to keep those tree rots moist.

Coffee Shops
By Paul H. Betancourt
Copyright December 2013

            Farmers are known for hanging out at the coffee shop. I can set my watch by some of my neighbors. If I drive by thinking it is four o’clock and they are not there, I need to check my watch.
            It is easy to think these guys are goofing off, and here is a lot of that going on. There is a lot of gossip and sports stories going on in a coffee shop. But, I have also learned a lot listening to these guys. Not just about farming.  Have even gotten good doctor recommendations from my neighbors. Once again, you can learn a lot by listening.
            There is also some deep community in the coffee shop. I know one group that graduated high school together forty years ago and still meet nearly every morning for coffee.

            In the daily rush to keep the farm going I only drop by once a week or so, but it is usually enlightening.

I hope you all have a great week.


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