Saturday, May 23, 2015

How Much Water Do We Consume in Our Food- Part II

First I'll give you an update on last week's Death of Common Sense Experience.

 I cleared the first hurdle. Our home is on Williamson Act ground, which protects farmland. The Williamson Act people liked my letter. I had to certify we owned the house and the solar project was for our home and not as a commercial project. Of course my signature was not enough,the letter had to be notarized. But, now they say we can put up the solar system. Yay.

Hoop Two-The cargo container is now earth quake proof. We got the footing and the man door in. So, I went to finish the permit. Then they told me I have to submit a letter and a site plan. WHY DIDNT MENTION THAT WHEN I WAS IN LAST WEEK? Geez. So, I have to go back on Tuesday.

So far I have about ten hours and a few hundred dollars into this.
I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, back at our water consumption-

The state of California is arguing about the couple of hundred gallons of water we use in our homes each day. Apparently we now shaming people about lawns. Geez.

Below is a link for calculating your personal water use.

I suspect I may disagree with these folks on some things, but I support careful water use.  This is a worthwhile effort.
   You will need one piece of information. The magic number is 264. There are 264 gallons per cubic meter.

There is another number to remember- 800 gallons per person per day to produce your food. That number is from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization.
     Again, we are going quibbling over a couple of hundred gallons per day for our lawns. That is not the issue. In California we have a water system designed for 19 million people and we now have 38 million people. There are not enough low flow toilets to solve this problem. We need 800 gallons of water per person per day just to produce our food! We need a larger and more stable water supply.

Hope you all have a good week.

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