Sunday, May 15, 2011

May Wind and Rain?

Not only are we busy on the farm with the Spring Rush, but the weather gets crazy as we shift from winter to summer. The wind is crazy. We lost 18 trees in the wind last weekend and they are predicting more wind this weekend.
   It is hard to organize work in this weather. One year we had to wait three weeks to spray for weeds in the cotton. It was just too windy. When we finally got going Ruben finished the field in two and a half days- it just took three weeks of waiting.
   This was the day before hooded sprayers. Now we have hoods to cover the spray nozzles. We can spray in moderate winds and keep the material from drifting where it shouldn't go. Adapt, Innovate and Overcome. I am not much of a engineering, mechanical kind of guy, but I have to admit that the innovation of agricultural equipment over the past century is pretty amazing. We have taken a lot of the drudgery out of farm work and we have made both our people and our crops amazingly productive.

Some of my newer readers haven't met Indy, my co-pilot.
Indy is a little over a year and a half old. His Mom is a Golden Retriever. His Dad was a sneaky, neighbor dog. It is a common breed. For the past few months Indy has not wanted to come out for pick up rides. He's kind of big. He weighs 105 pounds. So I thought maybe he just wasn't comfortable in the pickup any more. I missed him, but you sure can't force 105 pounds of puppy into a pickup. One morning, last week he acted like he wanted to get in when I left in the morning. I stepped back from the door and he hopped right in. He's been out with me every day. I enjoy his company.
I have be re-inspired. At the Rotary conference this weekend there was a cooking class with a local chef from the Monterey area. Mmmm yummy. With Spring and summer come fresh fruits and vegetables. Time to start paying with my food again. He had some great ideas for grilling vegetables. I will share them with you after I have done some experimenting. His tow best words of encouragement was 'don't be intimidated to try something new' and 'sometimes less is more.' We have such an amazing selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. Let the natural tastes of the food come out, don't cover it up. I am inspired.

I hope y'all have a great week.


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