Sunday, April 1, 2012

Now we are waiting for...

Now we are waiting for Spring to really arrive so we can plant some cotton.
   The cotton beds are almost ready. The planter and harrows are ready. Seed will be delivered this week. Then we wait for the ground to warm up.
   There are exactly two things I know about growing cotton after thirty years. If you plant it dry, it will not sprout. If you plant it cold it will get sick. Everything else is a mix of art and experience.
   Fortunately the University of California has a really cool website that helps us decide when to plant. They figured out the first five days after planting are critical. So they have a five day forecaster for cotton planting. Very cool
   In the meantime, below you will find the text for one of my radio pieces this week.

Lessons from Indy
By Paul H. Betancourt
Copyright March, 2012

                A few months ago I introduced you all to my dog, Indy. Riding around with Indy I have learned some interesting lessons I thought I would share with you.  Things like-
            -Great everyone personally.
-Roll down the windows once in a while and stick your head out. There is nothing like fresh air and the feel of the wind rushing though your hair.
-Give cats and catty people space.
-Enjoy your exercise with relish and enthusiasm. Make sure to sniff everything while you are out for a walk.
-When it is time for a nap; stretch out completely, preferably in the sun.
-What you are doing now is important, even if it is only taking a nap.
-When friends come home, let them know you are glad to see them.
There is nothing wrong with a little affection.
-Let them know you appreciate their cooking, even if it is only simple kibble.
-There is a lot to be said for loyalty.
-When you don’t know what to say, just being there is important.
For the record, Indy’s favorite bumper sticker is “Wag more, bark less.”
That’s probably a good reminder for all of us.

I hope Y'all have great week.

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