Saturday, June 9, 2012

Irrigation started and Some Thoughts on Climate Change

   We have had forty mile an hour winds and a twenty degree swing in temps. Wow! The cotton has kept on growing. We got started on water. Even though we lost two days we got the first field watered. We'll start the second field on Monday.
   I am posting the full text for one of this week's radio pieces. It got snipped a bit because of length. The issue is too important for me to be misunderstood. Next year California will begin implementing AB 32, Schwarzenegger's Climate Change Initiative. He's gone and we are left holding the bag. To be honest, I am worried about this one.

Why I Question Global Warming
By Paul H. Betancourt
Copyright February, 2012

                I question Climate Change because of Science, not in spite of Science.
                There is a silliness that only scientific knuckle-draggers would doubt Global Warming. Well Science and Reason teach me to not accept things until they have a good rational basis. That is why I question Climate Change. I don’t see the Science there. The one solid fact is that we have higher concentrations of CO2 in the air since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. That makes sense, we have been pulling up fossil fuels that have been underground for ages.  But, we don’t know what this fact means.
                There are those that interpret the data to mean that global temperatures will rise over the next century. Are these the same people that can’t forecast the weather for next month?
                Another reason I question Global Climate Change is the Science has been politicized. There is an inherent bias.
                Twenty years ago I had lunch with a meteorologist. His presentation before lunch seemed skeptical about the issue of Global Warming. When I asked, “Why?” he said it was simple. If he asked for a research grant to prove Global Warming the check books were open. If he asked for a research grant to prove Global Warming wasn’t happening the checkbooks snapped shut. There is an inherent bias in funding the science. Michael Crichton addressed the bias in his 2004 novel, State of Fear. [Which, BTW, is a good read if you have the time.] Crichton called for  funding pure research, but that just isn’t realistic.
                I am a big fan of Reality. I’ll gladly settle for the facts when we know them. Let’s get the politics out and use our heads to solve real problems.
                Do you want to care of the planet? Then I’m your man.
                Do you want to up end the global economy because of your fears and incomplete Science?
Sorry, I can’t do that.

We have  on precious planet and the responsibility to take care of it. Bad laws wont help any more than ignoring the problem.

you can find the audio at-

I hope Y'all have a great week.


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